saes PS2GC50N2 高氮過濾器

數量(件) 價格
1 7元/件
  • 供貨總量: 電議
  • 最小起訂: 1件
  • 發(fā)貨地址: 北京
  • 付款方式: 面議
  • 發(fā)布日期:2024-01-31
  • 訪問量:39


實名認證 企業(yè)認證
  • 聯(lián)系人:張敏
  • 手機:15321344403
  • 電話:010-58466575
  • 營業(yè)執(zhí)照:已審核 營業(yè)執(zhí)照
  • 經營模式: 貿易公司-其他有限責任公司
  • 所在地區(qū):北京 朝陽區(qū)
  • 家家通積分:12975分


品牌 saes PS2GC50N2 規(guī)格型號 saes PS2GC50N2
編號 saes PS2GC50N2 計量單位 1件
付款方式 面議 參考價格 7
價格單位 人民幣 供貨量 不限
說明書,報價手冊及驅動 暫無相關下載 其他資料下載 暫無相關下載
產地 德國 發(fā)貨地 北京


saes PS2GC50N2 高氮過濾器  

2) The ratings refer to the braking resistor, not to
the possible braking power of the inverter.
However, the maximum unit-specific braking
power can be determined with the b voltage
and the technical data of the brake chopper.
ALSPA MV3000 - A Revolution in Drive Technology
Innovation Gives Effortless
The innovative ALSPA MV3000 is
ALSTOM’s 5th generation of AC
variable speed drives. Designed
throughout for effortless ownership,
the ALSPA MV3000 sets new
standards for variable speed drives
for size, ease of use and process
availability. With power ratings up to
3,600kW, voltages up to 690V,
V V V F, Encoderless Vector and Flux
Vector Control modes and a wide
range of application functions, ALSPA
MV3000 is the one drive you need
for all applications:
 Coilers, roller tables & mills
 Crushers & grinders
 Fans & pumps
 Lifts & hoists
 Mixers & stirrers
 Multi drive systems
 Test benches
Specific customer research prior to
the development of ALSPA MV3000
highlighted three key areas where
customers are looking for major
improvements on what is available
today: the physical design of the
equipment, the user interface and
process availability.
The MicroCubicle

Up to 315kW, the ALSPA MV3000
is in chassis unit bat using the
 everything is front accessible
 room inside the unit for application
specific enhancements
 bookcase bat and side by side
mounting for maximum packing
Drive Data Manager

The majority of users prefer to use a
keypad on the plant floor rather
than a PC.
The Drive Data Manager
the keypad concept with menu
navigation, on-line help, quick start
and instrumentation facilities all
wrapped up in an ergonomic design
with a large, easy to read display.

By monitoring key aspects of the
process, the environment and itself,
the MV3000 can do more than just
look after itself. It can take inbligent
bs in the event of adverse
process conditions. This NoStop

philosophy means higher plant
availability and warning of process
problems before they occur.
A Full Range of Products
From 315kW to 3,600kW, ALSPA
MV3000 is available in DELTA bat.
DELTA bat drives can be supplied
either as a kit of parts ready for
building into a cubicle or as a
compleby built and tested package
ready for site inst

saes PS2GC50N2 高氮過濾器 相關資源


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